25TH MARCH 2022







1.0         Purpose of Report


1.1          To suggest that the Board be stood down and only be re-convened if necessary to promote communication if and when required.


2.0       Introduction/background


2.1       At its meeting last September, Members considered a discussion paper by Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) concerning the functioning of the Board; frequency of meetings; and meeting remotely.


2.2       It was agreed, among other things, that meetings continue on a monthly basis.


2.3       The Board was originally established in order to support communication and provide advice regarding the implementation of the Coronavirus Regulations through local outbreak management plans.  In light of the removal of the final Coronavirus Regulations on 24th March, this meeting seems an appropriate moment to review the continued function of the Board.  As a number of restrictions have been removed, there is not a continued need to promote communications with regard to the statutory rules.  This does not mean that the local COVID-19 response will not continue under the Director of Public Health; just that the oversight and communication with regards to the specific Statutory Regulations is no longer required.


2.4       Therefore, it is suggested that the Board be stood down at this stage and that it meet again, if required.  An example of that might be if a future Variant of Concern takes hold and where it would be helpful to have a cross agency meeting to support communication in the locality.  In that sense, the Board would be in abeyance, rather than disbanded.


2.5       Should a future variant emerge that may warrant future meetings, we will liaise with the Chair and NHS colleagues and the Board will be reconvened, as required. 


2.6       It is appreciated that elected Member representation may alter, following the elections in May 2022.  District Councils will be asked to reappoint to the Board at their Annual General Meetings, so that we have a full membership in place if and when further meetings are necessary.  Similarly, we would be grateful if Members of the Board who are not elected Members (Schools, Business, Voluntary and Community Sector, etc.,) would advise Patrick Duffy if there is a change to their representation.


2.7       Whether or not future meetings are required, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all Members of the Board and the agencies which they represent for their commitment to this body and their support.  Strong partnerships have been a feature over these last two years.  It should be noted that these will continue outside of the workings of the Board.


2.8       The Outbreak Control Plan will continue to guide the approach to managing the Pandemic in North Yorkshire.  Should it be necessary to significantly change this Plan, the Board’s approval will be sought.



3.0    Recommendation


3.1    That this body be stood down unless and until it is necessary to meet again.




Louise Wallace                                               Barry Khan

Director of Public Health                                 Assistant Chief Executive

(Legal and Democratic Services)



County Hall, Northallerton


March 2022


Background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report – None